Monday, February 9, 2009

Music Monday

It's no secret that Damien Rice is rice pudding to my soul. Many of you know him intimately and the rest of you have probably never heard of him. He's sort of hit or miss, depending on the social circle you run in. I am utterly taken with his first album, O. Damien is an Irish folk singer who's lyrical skills are brilliant and who's songs are charged with emotion that sometimes causes me honest physical & emotional pain.

I have this love/hate relationship with that i-tunes Genius Bar because it always introduces me to music I end up loving, but (and let's give mad props to the Apple marketing team for this) I always end up having spontaneous shopping sprees on there. Last night I was listening to a recent Damien Rice purchase, Lonelily (which I'm in love with) and noticed a song of his called Unplayed Piano on the side bar. Intrigued, I clicked on it and found that it was written for a Burmese Nobel Peace Prize winner named Aung san Suu Kyi, who has been on home arrest for most of the last 20 years for protesting her government. Damien wrote this song for her. It was performed at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo and has a special treat at the end...Cold Water. (And if this is your first Damien Rice experience, be aware that this is a little different than most of his stuff, in that he plays piano in it, but it's wonderful none-the-less.)

If you are so inclined, follow these links for more information about Suu Kyi. The quick version. The long version.

by dove

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