Monday, March 30, 2009

I detect a show worth watching

Have you read these books by Alexander McCall Smith? They are delightful little books. The main character, Precious Ramotswe (played by Jill Scott), has decided to help people who need help. And if you haven't heard, it has been made into a series on HBO. I think it may be a first for the entertainment channel to have a light-hearted, enjoyable series for the world to see. I wasn't able to watch the first episode, I was enjoying a getaway with my husband (10 year anniversary, cheers to us), but am sure that I will be able to catch it soon. How about you? Do you like this sort of TV? Are you going to watch? I do suggest you read the books, they are a lot of fun.



Amanda said...

Darn it, no HBO. I know everyone loves these books, though. Congrats to you and your mighty ten years - you (we) all deserve medals. Here's to the next 50.

MZB said...

yes I agree they are enjoyable reads

Christy said...

No HBO here either. I read a bunch of the first books in this series, then got bored...haven't read like the last fifty. There are hundreds, right? ;-)

Judy said...

Our book club would read a couple of these books every summer for quick reads. Loved them. The club took a field trip to hear Alexander Smith at the Utah CC on State Street about 8 years ago and we LOVED him. Couldn't get enough. He was delightful and charming, much like his characters. We have DISH network and I ordered HBO/STARZ free for 3 months, just to see the show. It didn't disappoint. It was cute and quirkey and the characters were perfectly cast. I smiled through the entire 2 hr premier and can't wait for more. You do need to understand that I am easily amused, but enjoyable and appropriate TV shows are few and far between. Cudoes to HBO.