Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Last Week

It went by too quickly. I know I may have complained about what to do with all the time the summer has to offer and what in the world I was going to do with my kids, but where did it go? There are pluses to a new school year. E is ready for 2nd grade. He needs the structure and all the interaction. He's had it with me and my suggestions that he turn off his Wii or DS. C will be entering my favorite preschool, I can't wait. And then J and I will have some serious one on one. When I put it that way, it is all going by too fast.

In any case, I don't know how much Dove and I will be around this week. We are trying to prep for school and chill with the kids. Real Simple has some great suggestions on getting ready. I should probably link you to some more but to be honest, my blog reading has been sub-par as of late.

What is your number one tip for back to school greatness? What are you doing to get ready? Or to live up the last days of summer? Tonight, we head to Target for all our supplies. I love Target.


1 comment:

PagerStalker said...

I think one thing is try to tell your kids not to laugh hysterically when they practice getting under their desk in case of a nuclear war. They still teach that right?